Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wedding Wednesday!

I've missed "Wedding talk" these last few Wednesday's...
 I know. Shame on me!
Work has gotten in the way of blogging these last couple of weeks. Finishing up a 4 year long project, and moving on to the next. I'm not going to bore you with work related crud, on to the topic at hand we go.
The Guestbook
I was pretty set on wanting to cut up a tree and using wood slices for our guestbook that we could later set on easels to display in our home. I really like the idea, and it ties in perfectly to our theme and setting. I love how it's different, unique, and can be displayed easily.
Another idea that I really love, and is in close running with the wood slices, is vintage postcards. I've made it pretty clear that I'm a lover of all things old and vintage. There's just something about old rugged pieces of anything that hold stories over all these years. Anything from the 1900's era. I think it would be awesome to pickup old postcards from thrift shops, antique stores, yard sales, etc. for everyone to choose and leave well wishes on the back for us to later read as husband and wife.
Although K and I aren't able to travel as much as we'd like, we love exploring new places. Old postcards with cities all over the world would be perfect to incorporate in our wedding somehow. The idea of them being used as postcards is just fun and different.
My deciding factor will be going to different places, and browsing to see if I can find enough vintage postcards to use in the place of a "guestbook". It might be impossible, but we'll see.
K and I are anything but traditional, so our entire wedding will be unique to fit us and things that we like. Being different is our normal.
What are some unique ways that you've found to use in place of a "guestbook" for wedding's?

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