Thursday, April 9, 2015

39 Week Appointment

Yesterday, K and I met with my OB, where he done a cervix exam to see if I had dilated any further since last week. My doctor wasn't sure if I'd even make this week's appointment, but there I sat in the waiting room... still pregnant. After all of the pains I've had this week, I was certain to be dilated further, and a whole half centimeter further I was. Not what I was expecting nor wanting to hear.
I left yesterday's appointment 1.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and told the baby's head it still a little high up. I've now been dilated for a week, and I knew last week when I was told that I was 1cm that I could stay that way for a week or two. I'm really hoping Asher decides to make his debut in to this world sooner rather than later. I hate the waiting game, and really do not want to go past my due date like I did the first time. Seeing as how I'm due this Sunday... I'm coming around to thinking he's going to be just like his sister, and we may have to induce next week.
I was all for inducing yesterday. It's already getting too hot in Florida, and I can't take being pregnant again in this heat. Been there, done that, and it was awful! I always told K if we ever decided on baby number 2 that I would be pregnant in the winter, and this pregnancy was amazeballs in the cold weather. The heat is coming on strong here and earlier than usual. Baby A needs to get with the program and come on any day now!
Today was supposed to be my last day of work, but with receiving yesterday's news, I've decided to stay put. I'd rather not waste any of the 12 weeks of leave time I have that could all be spent with him. So, there's definitely a possibility I could go in to labor at work. If that happens, so be it. My office is 5 minutes from the hospital, whereas my house is a good 35 minutes away.
My next appointment is scheduled a week from today. Maybe I'll have a baby before then... if not, I will give an update on Baby A, and schedule to be induced like that day!

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