Friday, October 30, 2015

Asher Graham - 4 Month Update

Happy 4 Months Sweet Boy!
The Details
Asher weighs 16.10 pounds and is
measuring 25 1/4 inches in length.
His head circumference measured
at 41cm. Little guy has that Turner
noggin for sure! He is wearing mostly
3-6 month sized clothes now, and
in a size 2 diaper.
His 4 month shots were the worst
once again. The pediatrician did say that
we could now start with solids if we
wanted, due to how interested he is in
food, and how great he is holding his
head up. K and I decided we would
wait until at least 5 months before
beginning solids. He's still exclusively
breastfed. He's a healthy little boy and
growing great!
Bath time continues to be a favorite.
Asher has now learned how to
stick his tongue out. He's really begun
to baby babble. We've started working
on baby signing, with "milk" being
the first sign. He has rolled over once
from his belly onto his back while he
was playing with toys on his
activity mat. He has also started
blowing spit bubbles due to
drooling so much from teething. Asher
has recently found his feet, and
loves looking at and playing with
his little toes.
(spit bubble in progress)
His sister still remains to be the
absolute funniest thing to him. She
helps to make him laugh for these
monthly photo sessions. This
outfit was gifted at our baby shower,
and it's one of my favorites.
Unfortunately, he was only able
to wear it twice because he's
growing so fast.
(Why so serious?)
God has blessed us with such
a happy little dude, and I am
so grateful for such an
amazing gift from above. I'm
thankful everyday that He chose
me to protect, and be their Mother!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Asher Graham - 3 Month Update

Happy 3 Months Sweet Boy!
The Details
Asher weighs 12.6 pounds and is
measuring 24 1/4 inches in length.
He has moved up to a size 3 months
in clothing, and fitting in some 3-6
month outfits as well. He's in a
Size 1 diaper.

He has become very interested
in food, and will watch our
every move when we sit down
to eat a meal.

His nightly sleep schedule has been
amazing for the past 4 weeks. He
began sleeping 8-10 hours during
the night at 8 weeks old... that
lasted for a whole month. Little man
has hit a growth spurt, and is now
up every 2 hours around the clock
to nurse! I feel like we are
back in the hospital again with
this sleep cycle. Thank heavens I'm
still on maternity leave for 10 more weeks!
Waking up all night long to this
face and those little rolls is totally
worth it though!

Bath time is still his favorite.
He has finally started giggling and
laughing, and his sister is the funniest
thing of course. Asher is now figuring
out that his hands were made to
grab things... my hair being the
number one go-to. He now kicks his
legs during tummy time, and can
maneuver himself around in a full circle
on his activity mat. He loves story time,
and will sit and stare at his sissy
the entire time she reads to him. It's
adorable. He cares more about watching
and listening to her rather than looking
at the pages of the book.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Asher Graham - 2 Month Update

Happy 2 Months Sweet Boy!
The Details
Asher weighs 10.2 pounds and is
measuring 23 inches in length.
He is mostly wearing 0-3 month
clothes along with some Newborn, it
just depends on the brand. He's
in a size 1 diaper.
This little guy is such a happy baby
most all of the time. I can say
the only time he will cry or get fussy
is when he's hungry, or in the car seat.
He isn't a fan of the car seat, but what
child is? We've gotten a pretty good
schedule down as far as nursing
goes. Call me crazy, but I love getting
up for those 3am sessions... I
cuddle with my sweet boy and watch
HGTV - it's the only decent thing on
that early in the morning.
Asher loves bath time now that he's
learned to kick and splash the water. He
is discovering his hands, and it's the
funniest thing to watch! I remember
this stage with Kaylee, and just adored it.
 (Hey, what are these Mom?)

He is smiling big now, and has graced
us with one big belly laugh - it's
the cutest sound! The three
of us have been doing the craziest things
since to make him laugh again.
2 Month shots were the absolute worst!
He doesn't do well at all with shots,
and my Mom and I both cried during that
check-up appointment. This was the
most I've ever heard him cry, and it
was awful. Definitely not looking forward
to the next round of shots!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Asher Graham - 1 Month Update

Happy 1 Month Sweet Boy!
The Details 
Asher weighs 8.5 pounds and is
measuring 22 1/4 inches in length.
He is now fitting into Newborn 
sized clothing much better! He's 
wearing Newborn size diapers. He is
putting on weight rapidly so he'll
be moving up in size very soon. This
little boy loves Momma's milk!
I catch those little baby smiles during
his night time nursing sessions. They're
so sweet!
He loves his Aden and Anais swaddle
blankets. We don't leave the house
without one in tow. They're the softest. We
began tummy time at a week old, and he
really does enjoy/love it. He's holding his head
up so well for a 4 Week old! We have one
strong fella on our hands.
 When he isn't swaddled, he sleeps just like his Daddy. Go figure. Guess it's a "guy" thing.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Newborn Photography Session(s) - Part II

Today I wanted to share with you all Asher's second newborn photography session we had with Christie Ann Photography. Unfortunately, something is going on with my computer, and it won't download the file. She is in the process of working to figure out what's going on with it. In the meantime, I do have a couple of photos from that session that were linked to my FaceBook page... so I snagged those for this post.

She's so great with babies, and it shows in her newborn photography because she's amaze-balls at what she does!
This first one was K's idea, and I knew that if anyone could make it happen, Christie could! My grandma crocheted his little fishing hat, and the little yellow fish. Now, we have his very first keepsake!
Gah, isn't he just the cutest?!? Daddy's little fishin' buddy. So sweet.
This next one, the lighting couldn't have been any better. I'm in love with Christie's outside photos for this exact reason! I die. She captures the afternoon sun just perfectly.
These are the only two photos I have at the moment from Asher's newborn session with Christie. However, I do have the link to her photography blog site, and it contains all of the photos from Asher's session. If you wish to, you can go see more of this sweetness on her blog!
Now you can see why trying to choose between the two photographers just wasn't an option for me... Two completely different styles of work, both equally amazing ladies. I cannot wait to merge these two sessions together and create Asher's newborn photo album!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Newborn Photography Session(s) - Part I

I scheduled a newborn session for Asher with two separate photographers. The first session being with our family photographer and good friend, Kylene. She has taken all of our photos over the last four or so years. You can go and check out her work at Kylene and Ryan Studios. K and I decided to setup a Baby Plan with her to document Asher's first year as well; stay tuned for those photos as they take place. We chose to document him during his Newborn, 4, 8, and 12 months.
The second photographer we chose is an upcoming local photographer, Christie, whom K went to school with, and specializes in newborn photography. She's amazing with newborns, and has a vintage feel/style to her photos that I'm just in love with! You can go and check out her work at Christie Ann Photography

I love both women, and the very different styles of work that each bring to the table. There was absolutely no trying to choose and decide between the two... So I chose to schedule a session with each, and get the best of both worlds! Yes, I'll have my cake and eat it too.

Asher's first newborn session was set with Kylene when he was just 6 days old. Here are some of my favorites from that session. Beware... Cuteness overload is about to take over the rest of this post!
*Sidenote: He absolutely HATED the snail hat. Not. A. Fan. He would totally make a cute little snail though.
Goodness. He is the cutest. I just can't get over how stinkin' adorable this kid is. It melts my heart each and every time I look at these pictures.

Stay tuned for Part II of the Newborn Photo Sessions tomorrow, where you can see the photos that Christie captured for me!

Have a lovely day ladies.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Good Morning Friends and Foes!
Guess who's back? Back again? Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back? 
(you know you totally sung that in the voice of "Slim Shady")
 I had decided to take a hiatus from blogging to focus all of my time and what little energy I would have on Asher. Now, I'm officially back in both the working and blogging world from my almost six month period of maternity leave. Nothing says "Welcome back" quit like 1,500 emails and 10 meetings to attend within my first week of work. However, I can say that I did miss blogging, maybe, just a little. 
Coming in to work was super tough for me. I definitely cried as I dropped Asher off with the sitter, the 45 minute drive into work, at least 10 times at work, and yet again when I walked through the door to my happy smiling boy. I'm slowly getting back in to a routine, and the tears have subsided within the last week.
Anywho, I'm back to blogging, and will give updates on the past few months of fun we've had with our newest member of the Turner family. My time home with both he and Kaylee were absolutely amazing, but incredibly too quick! I want to go back and start them all over again. Where's the rewind button? Time is such a thief.
I'll leave you with this cuteness...
 Have a fabulous day, Loves!