Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Good Morning Friends and Foes!
Guess who's back? Back again? Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back? 
(you know you totally sung that in the voice of "Slim Shady")
 I had decided to take a hiatus from blogging to focus all of my time and what little energy I would have on Asher. Now, I'm officially back in both the working and blogging world from my almost six month period of maternity leave. Nothing says "Welcome back" quit like 1,500 emails and 10 meetings to attend within my first week of work. However, I can say that I did miss blogging, maybe, just a little. 
Coming in to work was super tough for me. I definitely cried as I dropped Asher off with the sitter, the 45 minute drive into work, at least 10 times at work, and yet again when I walked through the door to my happy smiling boy. I'm slowly getting back in to a routine, and the tears have subsided within the last week.
Anywho, I'm back to blogging, and will give updates on the past few months of fun we've had with our newest member of the Turner family. My time home with both he and Kaylee were absolutely amazing, but incredibly too quick! I want to go back and start them all over again. Where's the rewind button? Time is such a thief.
I'll leave you with this cuteness...
 Have a fabulous day, Loves!

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