Happy 6 Months Sweet Boy!
The Details
Asher weighs 19.14 pounds, and is
measuring 27 inches in length. His head
measured 43cm in circumference. He is
mostly in 6 month clothes, and some 6-9 months.
He's still fitting in a size 3 diaper.
This month he has really started clapping,
and realizing his hands are making a noise.
He claps all of the time now, and will just
watch what his hands are doing and the
sound it makes.
We've finally found the first food that he isn't
a fan of... asparagus. I think it's more of a
texture thing as opposed to the taste because
he will eat it and doesn't spit it out, but makes this
certain face when he takes a bite. So, we'll try it out
again in a few weeks, and see how it goes.
His six month check-up went very good.
The shots were the same as usual. This
time he and his sister both had their
healthy check-ups scheduled together.
Our doctor talked and played with Kaylee
for a while before making her way to Asher.
It was his nap time so he started getting
fussy at the end of Kaylee's check-up. So,
by the time it was his turn he was over it
before it even began. He's a healthy little
guy and growing perfectly. His next
appointment is at 9 months, and he doesn't
have to get any shots. Thank goodness!
Last night I checked his gums because
of all the teething he's been doing, and
there is a slit with the tip of the tooth almost
pushing through... he's going to have his
FIRST tooth within a few days!! It's
bittersweet for me. I'm not sure how to
feel. I'll definitely miss that gummy little
smile of his, and it means he's growing
and getting bigger. I just want him to stay
a baby forever.
I believe we're going to have a crawler
on our hands very soon too. For the past
2 weeks now he has been getting on
all fours and rocking back and forth.
This week he has started getting into
a push-up position - trying to figure out
how to make himself move. He's also
almost pushing himself up to sit up
all on his own. He will roll somewhere,
and then lay on his side and push up
with his arm to try sitting himself up.
He's almost got that one figured out.
Asher learns more and more by the
day, and it amazes me.
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