Friday, December 19, 2014

The Name Game

What's goes in to choosing a name?
Choosing a name for your unborn child can be pretty tough. I mean, it's not like it's really important or anything... they only use it for their entire life. When I was pregnant with Kaylee, we didn't decide on her name until 2 weeks before she was born.
I don't know about yours, but when it comes to choosing a name, my husband will ask the two following questions:
1) In what ways can this name be picked on or made fun of?
Ex. I loved the name Ian. So, he went through every letter in the alphabet rhyming it until he got to the letter "P". Ian and Peein'. That was an automatic no-go for him, and the name was removed from our "name list".
- As much as it aggravates me, this is a good thing to think of because kids can be really cruel these days, and will find any way to pick at something. 
2)  Do I know anyone with this same name?
Ex. "Hey, I really like this name, what do you think about it?" - "Hell no, I went to school with a girl named that and she was trashy." -OR- "I knew a kid with that name and couldn't stand him."
- Any name that could be associated with someone negative was immediately thrown out, no if, ands, or buts about it.
With that said, K and I have went through many names for Baby T. over this past month. I began getting frustrated, so I downloaded this Baby Names app to my iPhone to keep track of what he liked as well as the names I liked. He thought of the middle name, I agreed on it immediately. Over the next few weeks, we worked off the "First name" list until it dwindled itself down to 3 names total. One night we asked Kaylee which name she liked best, and she chose my favorite. We then took those same three names to work with us, and had a little poll to see which was liked the best. My #1 name was the winner of both work polls. Insert *happy dance*.
Of course he was still really into one name, and I felt the same in regards to another. With K coming up with the middle name, it was only fair that I get to choose the first name. Right? Right. Lucky for me, he did like the name I had picked out, just not as much as his chosen name. I knew once he was given the meaning behind the name I had chosen, it would be a done deal... sneaky, sneaky.
As soon as I told him the meaning... it was a done deal! Signed, sealed, and delivered. Baby T. has a name, and we chose it during Week 23 of pregnancy. Hot damn!
Deciding on the name, and now referring to him by it as opposed to "he" or "Baby T." makes it that much more real, and we're getting even closer to meeting our little guy.
Our family is delighted to announce Baby T's name...
*Asher Graham Turner*
Asher is Hebrew meaning "blessed" or "happy";
In the Bible, Asher is one of Jacob's sons.
The photo above is a list of the top names we had to dwindle down. K chose Graham the week we found out we were having a little boy. I loved it and immediately agreed. I've adored the name Asher since hearing it a couple of years ago. I like the fact of how different it is, but at the same time it isn't too unique or crazy.
Kaylee helped to decorate the chalkboard while I wrote out the names. She really enjoys taking part in our "weekly chalkboard updates". Adding the snowflakes were all her idea :) That creative little mind of hers is awesome!
She insisted we snap a picture with our finished art piece. Don't mind my post-workout with chalk all over me, self.
(photo taken at 23 Weeks & 1 Day)

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