Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Bump Date - 39 Weeks

39 Weeks
of Pregnancy
{Bumpie with my very best friend who's due with a little
boy 5 weeks after me}
How far along? 39 Weeks & 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 38 pounds per the scale at my Doctor’s office, I’ve lost 2 pounds. I have officially run out of room, and haven’t really been eating much this past week.
Maternity clothes? This week I’ve worn only dresses and all have been pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: I’m pretty used to my new sleep schedule. I cut out water at least an hour before going to bed, and it’s helped me to only wake up 2-3 times during the night to use the restroom.
Best moment this week: Your Dad and I going on a day date for lunch, a movie, and some shopping. Spending time together just the two of us before your arrival.
Have you told family and friends: Most definitely.
Movement: I swear you’re doing some type of karate movements in there – even being full-term you still constantly move ALL DAY LONG.
Food cravings: Crushed ice – preferably Zaxby’s, sweet tea, crabmeat, and any type of fruits. What a lovely combination.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I did get sick this week a couple of times. Acid reflux has been so bad lately that it’s making me vomit sometimes.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
How big is baby? The size of a mini-watermelon; measuring 20 inches from head to heel, and weighing 7 pounds.
Gender: The nurse confirmed during our last week’s ultrasound that we are indeed still having a boy.
Labor Signs: A great deal of pelvic pressure/pains and more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions.  
Pregnancy Symptoms: Daily acid reflux, back pain, some sickness this week.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to take my prescribed allergy meds because they always hit me hard during the spring every year. I’ve had so much sinus pressure over these last couple of weeks. It’s been hell.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting you VERY soon!
Wedding rings on or off? On. This week there hasn’t been much swelling at all.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Milestones: Still being able to work and earning some extra time for maternity leave.  
{Birthday dinner for Ashley the non-preggo.
Best Friends since our high school days}

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Day Late and Taking After Mama

It's April 13th and I'm currently sitting at the desk in my office, going through emails, preparing for the meeting's I have scheduled this week, and still pregnant. Yep, that's right...
Still. Pregnant. 
Presently 40 Weeks & 1 Day along... 10 whole months... 281 days total... and still counting!
We were sure to be holding our little fella by now, if not at home at least in the hospital.
April 12, 2015 was my due date. I'm aware that it was only yesterday, but I'm totally over these pains, aches, acid reflux, Braxton Hicks contractions, and the heat that has graced itself upon Florida much too soon! Besides, I'm such an impatient person; even more so when it comes to the birth of our son.

... and because every single person I come in contact with has to comment or stop me in my tracks. I'm utterly and completely tired of hearing and answering these ridiculous questions, "Why are you still here?", "You haven't had that baby yet?", "What are you waiting on?", "How are you feeling?"
 Kaylee was a week late and my OB had to schedule to induce labor. It looks as if Asher is going to follow suit. I'm always late for everything, so I suppose it's only natural that both of my children would take after me in that department... which could potentially come back to bite me in the ass in the future. 
  I have an appointment with my OB on Thursday of this week. If this little guy has yet to grace us with his presence by then, we will move forward with scheduling to be induced. So either way, we will have our new family addition by the end of this week!! Exciting stuff will soon be taking place, and we can't wait.
I will continue keeping you all updated as I have been, and can't wait to share Asher with everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Bump Date - 38 Weeks

Week 38 of Pregnancy
How far along? 38 Weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 40 pounds per the scale at my Doctor’s office.
Maternity clothes? Still in both maternity and pre-pregnancy pieces.
Sleep: This week I’ve gotten a steady 5 hours of sleep each night – only waking up twice per night to use the restroom. Those 5 hours have done wonders!
Best moment this week: Having an ultrasound during our 38 week appointment. Your sister was finally able to see you on the screen. The last ultrasound we had was at week 18 when we found out the gender, and she missed that appointment. She was so excited, and said “Hey Bubby” as soon as the nurse focused on your little face. After hearing her voice, you began moving your mouth as if you were talking to her. Kaylee thought that was so awesome!
Have you told family and friends: Most definitely.
Movement: Lots! I steady get kicked in the side, and see the outline/indention of a food and knee. Those kicks can sometimes be painful and make me jump.
Food cravings: Crushed ice – preferably Zaxby’s or Tijuana Flats, watermelon, strawberries, and honey mustard chicken bites from Zaxby’s.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
How big is baby? The size of a leek; measuring 19.5 inches from head to heel, and weighing 6.8 pounds.
Gender: Boy.
Labor Signs: A great deal of pelvic pressure/pains and Braxton Hicks contractions.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Daily acid reflux and back pain
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Feeling normal and not having the need to use the restroom 100 times a day!
What I am looking forward to: Finishing Sister’s room, and getting the last bit of things needed to finish the nursery.
Wedding rings on or off? On. This week there hasn’t been much swelling at all.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. Moody - only because I’m over being pregnant, the Florida heat has come early this year, and I’m ready to hold you!
Milestones: Getting all baby clothes washed. Going through our baby shower gifts and getting everything put in its place.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

39 Week Appointment

Yesterday, K and I met with my OB, where he done a cervix exam to see if I had dilated any further since last week. My doctor wasn't sure if I'd even make this week's appointment, but there I sat in the waiting room... still pregnant. After all of the pains I've had this week, I was certain to be dilated further, and a whole half centimeter further I was. Not what I was expecting nor wanting to hear.
I left yesterday's appointment 1.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and told the baby's head it still a little high up. I've now been dilated for a week, and I knew last week when I was told that I was 1cm that I could stay that way for a week or two. I'm really hoping Asher decides to make his debut in to this world sooner rather than later. I hate the waiting game, and really do not want to go past my due date like I did the first time. Seeing as how I'm due this Sunday... I'm coming around to thinking he's going to be just like his sister, and we may have to induce next week.
I was all for inducing yesterday. It's already getting too hot in Florida, and I can't take being pregnant again in this heat. Been there, done that, and it was awful! I always told K if we ever decided on baby number 2 that I would be pregnant in the winter, and this pregnancy was amazeballs in the cold weather. The heat is coming on strong here and earlier than usual. Baby A needs to get with the program and come on any day now!
Today was supposed to be my last day of work, but with receiving yesterday's news, I've decided to stay put. I'd rather not waste any of the 12 weeks of leave time I have that could all be spent with him. So, there's definitely a possibility I could go in to labor at work. If that happens, so be it. My office is 5 minutes from the hospital, whereas my house is a good 35 minutes away.
My next appointment is scheduled a week from today. Maybe I'll have a baby before then... if not, I will give an update on Baby A, and schedule to be induced like that day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

38 Week Appointment

Last Thursday I had my 38 Week visit with my OB. An ultrasound was scheduled prior to meeting with my Doctor due to my uterus not growing in the last 2 weeks. I was told it was nothing to worry about, but I was still a bit nervous to find out what the stopped growth meant. K and I decided to take Kaylee out of school early so that she could see her bubby on the ultrasound since she has yet to attend one of those appointments. 
We were beyond excited to see our little guy on the screen since we hadn't had an ultrasound since 18 Weeks! Kaylee loved every second of it. When the nurse pulled up his face, she waved and said "Hi Bubby". It was the sweetest thing! His mouth started moving when he heard that little voice of hers... almost as if he were talking back to her. She talked about that the entire ride home.
The nurse was able to tell us that Asher weighed in around 6lbs 7oz, and was 20 inches in length. He's a big boy. Thank goodness my due date is this weekend! He's healthy and has developed just as he should. My uterus has completely stopped growing which in return means I've run out of room, and he's steady pushing himself down. She then checked the fluid around him to make sure there's plenty so they wouldn't have to induce, and plenty there was. Technology has come so far, and simply amazes me! We were able to see that he has a head full of hair, chubby little cheeks like Kaylee, and my button nose. 
I requested to have a cervix exam because I've been experiencing tons of pelvic pains/pressure and 3-4 Braxton Hicks throughout the day. At this point in the pregnancy, I'm just in a lot of pain and quite frankly over being pregnant. My doctor performed the exam, and told me that I was 1cm dilated and he was positive I wouldn't be making my due date. My cervix is rapidly thinning due to my uterus no longer growing, and the baby steady pushing himself down. This was good news because I would much prefer him coming sooner rather than later.
Tomorrow is my 39 Week appointment, and I'm curious to find out if I've dilated any further. I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's visit, and if I receive any good news from the Doctor.
Asher could be here any day now... we're just playing the waiting game. Come on baby boy, Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy are not so patiently waiting to meet and hold you!

What's in my Hospital Bag?

I've stated time and time again of how bad I procrastinate, so you are all well aware at this point. I literally just began packing our hospital bag this morning! Don't judge. I'm practically 10 months pregnant, and have had zero energy. Zilch.

Anyways, these are some essentials that I've packed for our hospital stay... 
1) The iPad and its charger
2) My comfy "going home" outfit;
Boyfriend tee
Chambray &
3) Soft comfy socks 
4) A camera to capture those special "first" moments
5) Makeup basics;
Bronzer &
6) Snoogle body pillow
7) EOS Chapstick
8) Nipple cream and pads
9) Hair ties
10) Nightie that's easy to nurse in
11) Nursing Bra (1-2)
12) Robe for when family and friends are visiting
  • "Coming Home" Outfit for Baby
  • Insurance Card
  • Car Seat
  • Identification
  • Hospital Registration
  • Comfy Clothes for Nursing
  • Nursing Bras (2)
  • Socks/Slippers
  • Maxi Pads
  • Panties (3-4 pair)
  • Camera
  • Phones and Chargers
  • Toiletries (shampoo & conditioner, toothbrush & paste, hairbrush, face wash, deodorant, and lotion)
It's been almost eight years since we were in the hospital with Kaylee, but I still vividly remember those two and a half days and based my essential list off of that time. K and I went in the first go round somewhat unprepared, and this time I want to remember to bring everything that's going to keep me the most comfortable during labor and delivery. The "Necessities" list is pretty basic and common. We were able to register in advance a couple of weeks ago, and that's one less thing to worry about when we get to the hospital and check-in. You can find many lists online to help you pack and prepare for your hospital stay. This is just a list I put together that caters to my wants and needs.
What's in your hospital bag?

Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Bump Date - 37 Weeks

 37 Weeks & 6 Days
{Awful and unaware, but the only photo I have showcasing the bump}
How far along? 37 Weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 38 pounds per the scale at my Doctor’s office.
Maternity clothes? Still in both maternity and pre-pregnancy pieces.
Sleep: I’m adjusting to this new sleep/restroom schedule.
Best moment this week: Attending the baby shower planned by my co-workers. It was so sweet and tons of fun. I work with some great people, and we were given a generous gift card that will    
Have you told family and friends: Most definitely.
Movement: This week you’ve moved constantly throughout the days. I was finally able to catch a little bit of it on video!
Food cravings: Ice, Cajun crust pizza, Bread, and soda – I never drink sodas! Totally random cravings this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing lately.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
How big is baby? The length of a Swiss chard; measuring 19 inches from head to heel, and weighing 6 1/3 pounds.
Gender: Boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Daily acid reflux, back pain, some constipation, and experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions so intense to the point of tears streaming down my face last weekend.
Belly Button in or out? In and it’s there to stay
What I miss: Being able to eat without popping 3 tums afterwards.
What I am looking forward to: Going to Babies R Us this weekend and spending the gift card from work on the last handful of things we need before you arrive.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but hard to get off due to swelling in the afternoons.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’ve been a bit moody this week, and I’m blaming that on the frequent pains.
Milestones: Getting your bassinet put together and sitting at the foot of our bed, and putting together the jogger travel system that we were gifted at our baby shower.
Here are a few photos from the baby shower thrown by my work family... the quality is different in some because they were taken with multiple phones and emailed to me.
... and the ladies who planned and pulled the shower together...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

10 Days...

 April 12, 2015

In just ten short days I will get to hold and cuddle you, kiss that little button nose and those chubby little cheeks, smell you and take you all in, gaze into your eyes, and hold your tiny hand for the first time.

Only ten more days to go.

... and so the countdown finally begins. We've waited 10 long months for this one special day. It's almost here, and I know it will go by oh so agonizingly slow. I have so many questions; Who will you favor? Will you have a head full of hair since I've had such bad heartburn? Will you have those smoky gray eyes, or will they be dark?

I can't wait to hear your cry for the first time. Getting to witness the tears of joy and happiness when your Dad holds you for the very first time. Myself falling in love all over again while watching him with you. Kaylee becoming a big sister, protecting you, and witnessing this new love flourish within her. 

Ten days away, and our life and family will forever change. For the better of course. The Turner's will no longer be a family of three, but a family of four. I will then become a Mother of two, and love more deeply than I ever have. We're excited and ready for this new chapter and changes that will soon bestow themselves upon us.

Daddy, Mommy, and Sister can't wait to meet you Asher Graham. We're ready when you are.

In just ten short days our family will be complete