Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Fresh Style Picks

Last week I walked in to Old Navy in search of a pair of dark skinny jeans for a dance performance Kaylee was scheduled to have the following day. Nothing like waiting last minute... you know how I roll. The skinny jeans were an easy find. I should have been in and out within 5 minutes. Should being the keyword there. I couldn't help that all of their spring pieces had just been put out on display! I browsed for about an hour, and ended up buying a few extra things along with the skinnies that I was solely in the store for. 

There were so many cute things in every direction that I turned! I didn't know where to begin, so I browsed each section a handful of times making sure I didn't miss anything. It was definitely hard not buying it all. Can I just get one of everything in a size 8 please, and thank you!

This week I've been cleaning out her closet and ridding it of those clothes that do not fit anymore. I'm excited for the warm weather, and to take her spring clothes shopping. Our first stop, Old Navy, of course!

Here's a smidgen of my favorite spring picks for Kaylee...

These are just a few of my favorite picks for Asher since he will be a spring baby after all... Gah! I can't wait to start buying little boy things when I go shopping for kids clothes.
Yet again, Old Navy doesn't disappoint with their styles of children's clothing! What stores will you be hitting up for some spring/summer clothes shopping for the kids?  

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