Friday, March 20, 2015

Maternity Love in Photos

When I was pregnant with Kaylee, I didn't really take many photos of the pregnancy. We didn't have a maternity session because that type of photography just wasn't a "big deal" those some odd 8 and a half years ago. I've always regretted not documenting my pregnancy with her. So, I knew if there was a next time, I would definitely do things differently, and I would document.
My chalkboard updates fell off a few weeks ago... I know. This last trimester has pretty much been worse than the first. I've had absolutely NO energy, dreams of sleeping the day away, nausea, back pain, migraines, you name it! Blogging hasn't been much of a priority, but I've at the very least tried posting each week of pregnancy; even if it means a dirty mirrored office bump picture.
Anyways, our photographer wasn't available for the time I wanted, and then I got sidetracked and completely ran out of time to schedule a maternity session period. A group of us had planned a family weekend trip to my Dad's farm in Georgia. I didn't want to regret not capturing this pregnancy like I did the first time around, so I asked my sister-in-law to bring her camera and snap a few family/belly shots while on the farm.
Here are a few maternity photos she took during that weekend...
This family shot is one of my absolute favorites by far... it seriously melts my heart each and every time I look at it!
Even though she doesn't consider herself a "photographer" and only does it just to do it, my sister-in-law has some talent. She's pretty awesome with a camera. I couldn't be any happier with the way these photos turned out. They will most definitely be treasured memories for the years to come. We can't say thank you enough for documenting this special time in our lives, and capturing these precious family moments before Asher comes! I can't wait to show him when he is older.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday Bump Date - 36 Weeks

9 Months Along
and my entire world in one photograph!
{Photo taken at exactly 36 Weeks during our Baby Shower}
How far along? 36 Weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 35.5 pounds per the scale at my Doctor’s office.
Maternity clothes? Still in both maternity and pre-pregnancy pieces.
Sleep: My body is definitely getting used to waking up multiple times a night, and preparing itself for when Asher comes. I’m up 3-4 times a night now.
Best moment this week: Hosting our baby shower, getting tons of goodies for you, and spending time with our family and friends. You are already loved oh so much, and beyond blessed to have such amazing people in your life!  
Have you told family and friends: Most definitely.
Movement: Your big movements have slowed down this week. I know you’re running out of room in there… not quite sure how I can possibly stretch anymore and we still have a few weeks to go.
Food cravings: Water, Lemonade, Pineapple, Broccoli, and Chicken salad sandwiches
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got sick over the weekend, but not sure why. It just hit me out of nowhere, and I ran for the bathroom.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
How big is baby? The length of a head of romaine lettuce – 18.5 inches in length, and weighing around 6 pounds.
Gender: Boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Daily acid reflux, back pain seems to be getting worse by the day, some constipation still, aches and pains in my lower tummy, and have started experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.
Belly Button in or out? In and it’s there to stay
What I miss: My bed while I’m at work trying to take a nap in my office during lunch break…
What I am looking forward to: The annual Spring Time parade this weekend, working on the nursery, and a trip to Babies R Us to exchange a few things from the baby shower that we received in multiples.
Wedding rings on or off? On – my fingers have started mildly swelling this week along with my feet more so in the afternoons.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m pretty content and getting more anxious by the day!
Milestones: Purchasing your “Coming Home” outfit, and your big sister’s matching outfit is in the process of being made. Working on the nursery; going through and putting away all of your little baby things in their designated places.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Bump Date - 35 Weeks!

Day 250 of Pregnancy!
{Crappy iPhone office selfies and a dirty mirror}
How far along? 35 Weeks & 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 32 pounds of ALL belly.
Maternity clothes? Still in both maternity and a few pre-pregnancy pieces.
Sleep: Not much over this past week
Best moment this week: Your sister FINALLY seeing you squirming around making my belly do a wave. She was amazed and thought it was the coolest thing! Now she shakes my belly daily trying to get you to move and “kick” at her hand.  
Have you told family and friends: Most definitely.
Movement: Lots of noticeable big movements, and it’s my favorite part of the day. Tiny hiccups come 1-2 times a day… it’s cute watching the bouncing movement from them!
Food cravings: Strawberries, Blueberries, Hershey’s Strawberry Milk, Cheese Grits, and Water.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Your Dad's driving for sure.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
How big is baby? The size of a honeydew melon – 18 inches in length, and weighing 5.25 pounds.
Gender: Boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Daily acid reflux, frequent back pain, constipation, experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, and fatigue - I have no energy what-so-ever.
Belly Button in or out? In and it’s there to stay
What I miss: Being able to do whatever I want. Sleeping, and not feeling drained all of the time. I took 3 naps in my office yesterday!! It feels like the very beginning of pregnancy all over again.
What I am looking forward to: Our baby shower this weekend – getting to spend time with family and friends!
Wedding rings on or off? On – no swelling of my hands, and the little bit of swelling I noticed in my feet a couple of weeks ago has disappeared.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy when I’m not in pain and uncomfortable.
Milestones: Cleaning out the spare bedroom that your sister has decided she now wants to move in to because she claims her room is “haunted”. This weekend we will move her furniture into the spare room, and your furniture in to her room. Nothing like procrastination, and waiting last minute to start working on your nursery!
It's so crazy to think that our wedding was originally scheduled for tomorrow, March 14th, and instead we will be hosting a baby shower instead! I love how things work out differently than planned/scheduled. K and I ended up pushing our wedding date up due to the pregnancy, and chose a date in November... only to find out the day of our wedding that it was my grandparents 43rd anniversary!! It's funny how things happened, and it turned out even better than planned. We now share our wedding date with my grandparents, and will host our baby shower on our 12th "dating" anniversary as opposed to getting married on it. God is so good, and has such perfect timing in all things!

I wish you all a fabulous weekend! Tune in next week, as I will be sharing our couples baby shower in photos.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Fresh Style Picks

Last week I walked in to Old Navy in search of a pair of dark skinny jeans for a dance performance Kaylee was scheduled to have the following day. Nothing like waiting last minute... you know how I roll. The skinny jeans were an easy find. I should have been in and out within 5 minutes. Should being the keyword there. I couldn't help that all of their spring pieces had just been put out on display! I browsed for about an hour, and ended up buying a few extra things along with the skinnies that I was solely in the store for. 

There were so many cute things in every direction that I turned! I didn't know where to begin, so I browsed each section a handful of times making sure I didn't miss anything. It was definitely hard not buying it all. Can I just get one of everything in a size 8 please, and thank you!

This week I've been cleaning out her closet and ridding it of those clothes that do not fit anymore. I'm excited for the warm weather, and to take her spring clothes shopping. Our first stop, Old Navy, of course!

Here's a smidgen of my favorite spring picks for Kaylee...

These are just a few of my favorite picks for Asher since he will be a spring baby after all... Gah! I can't wait to start buying little boy things when I go shopping for kids clothes.
Yet again, Old Navy doesn't disappoint with their styles of children's clothing! What stores will you be hitting up for some spring/summer clothes shopping for the kids?  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Our weekend was spent at the Lakeland Center for the Nexstar National Talent Dance Competition. This was the first year the studio competed as a whole with a Competition Company ranging from ages 7-18. Kaylee has danced with Dance Fusion Studios for the past 3 years, and decided to try out for the Dance Fusion Competition Company in September 2014. She made the Company, and we couldn't have been more proud!
She's worked tremendously hard over the past six months; putting in 6 hours of practice time per week to 10 hours of practice time the month leading up to competition. That hard work and dedication paid off. It was totally worth it, and as a result she has improved so much as a dancer.
Both of Kaylee's group dances in the 7-9 year division earned 1st place, with one placing 3rd OVERALL and the second placing 4th OVERALL! These girls absolutely rocked the stage for their very first competition, hitting every move. It was such an incredible experience to partake in... albeit exhausting being 9 months pregnant and all.
The Mini's, 7-9 year old division, performed on Saturday between 8am and noon with awards following at 12:30pm. We didn't stay to watch the older girls perform on Saturday night and all day Sunday. Therefore, I only have photos of the Mini division. Some were taken with my iPhone, and others with my actual camera... this explains the quality of some.
Here are some of the girls backstage getting ready for their Musical Theater performance to Legally Blonde's "Omigod You Guys"
Here are a few shots from the actual performance on stage in front of the judges
I wasn't able to get any backstage "getting ready" photos for their Hip-Hop routine. The Mom's literally had like 2 minutes tops to do the costume change, and get the girls ready for their second routine. Things got really hectic then, and I was much too pregnant to be bending over and tying those converse... BUT I somehow made it happen without going in to labor. Ha! So, here are some pictures from their Hip-Hop performance to "Turn Down for What" / "Run The World (Girls)" combo
Last was the Awards Ceremony. After the very last performance finished, all performers competing took stage to accept any trophies or plaques. Dance Fusion Studios had 5 soloists place, and both group dances place. Kaylee represented the Musical Theater performance and walked up to receive the awards for the group. The judge interviewed each girl who accepted an award, and she was so cute on stage answering his questions.

The Dance Fusion Competition Company girls in the 7-9 year age group with all of the trophies and plaques they won! The talent these girls have at such a young age is astounding. They've worked hard, come a very long way, and deserved every award received. I'm so pleased to be part of the Dance Fusion family, and that Kaylee has each of these girls to grow up dancing with. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this group!
Last night the Director had the entire Dance Fusion Competition Company meet at the studio for a group picture with most all of the awards won during the competition weekend... and here it is!
Without a doubt, the Studio Company members rocked their very first competition, and surprised the other dance teams in Lakeland. Here's to such a fabulous start to the studio entering the competition world. Congratulations girls and guys!!