Monday, January 4, 2016

Breastfeeding Faves

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to breastfeed with Kaylee. She latched and done everything she was supposed to do, but my body just wouldn't let it happen. Super long story short, my milk ducts were clogged so badly that even a hospital grade pump could only get half an ounce to one ounce of milk total within a 30 minute pumping session! I pumped every 2 hours for 30 minutes as instructed by my OB, and at 6 weeks post-partum my milk just dried up completely. So, not everyone is capable of breastfeeding!
Asher completed our family, as we don't plan to have anymore children at this point. With that said, I was determined to breastfeed and make it happen with baby number 2! I wanted to experience and feel the bond that I've always heard other Moms talk about. To have the ability to feed him anytime anywhere without the hassle of carrying around formula and warm water for making him a bottle. Not to mention, how amazing and nutritional breast milk is in the first place for my little guy. So, while I was pregnant I researched anything breastfeeding related because no matter what, it was going to work for me this time.
I can't even begin to tell you how completely opposite my breastfeeding experience has been with Asher compared to Kaylee. Absolutely reversed. My milk came in quick at 3 days after Asher was born. I've only had a couple of issues concerning my supply dropping, but those have been resolved. Around 4 weeks post-partum I started running a fever, and couldn't let Asher nurse one my right side because it was painful to the touch. I scheduled an appointment with my OB/GYN, and found I had an infection that was well on it's was to becoming mastitis. The doctor prescribed the most amazing cream, and within an hour of use the pain subsided. The first six week were tough, but I pushed past them and it's been a breeze since. Giving up wasn't an option, but it definitely crossed my mind a time or two within those initial few weeks. It's hard, painful, and takes significant patience, but totally worth every single second!
Pumping 100% down right sucks, and I hate it with a passion. This is the one and only part of breastfeeding that I despise. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to stay home with Asher instead of coming back to work had to do with pumping. I hate all of the parts and pieces that have to be washed and cleaned after every use. It's freakin' expensive up front when buying everything you need. Pumping every 2-3 hours to keep my supply while I'm away from him sucks. It's one of those "if you don't use it, you lose it" kind of things. Supply and demand. The more you pump/nurse the more your body will produce for baby.
I wanted to share some of my favorite finds and helpful products as a first time breastfeeding Mom. 
Nursing Pillow
Instead of going and buying another pillow, I just wrapped my pregnancy body pillow around myself and used that. It worked out perfectly positioning Asher as well as giving him the support he needed in the beginning.
Lactation Cookies
These cookies are soo delicious!! I had a handful of friends recommend trying these for boosting my milk supply. I ate 1-2 cookies a day, and could tell about a 2oz difference in my supply. Plus, they're 100x better than the Mother's Milk Tea, in my opinion. Milkmakers has an oatmeal raisin cookie too if you don't like chocolate chip. Personally, I'm not a fan of raisin so I always stuck with the chocolate chip. Who doesn't like chocolate anyways? I definitely could have easily went through an entire box in one sitting... they were that good!
   Lansinoh Nipple Cream
This is the cream I was gifted at our baby shower, and it's also used and samples given at our hospital post delivery. Therefore, I never tried any other brand because this one worked well for me. Between the one bottle gifted to me, and the samples that the hospital sent home, I never had to go and buy any for myself. A little goes a long way!
Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump
I've already stated how much I hate pumping, but since I have to do it, this is my favorite pump hand down. I gave the Ameda Purely Yours Pump a try, and the suction was awful to me. The Ameda was used about 4 times until it crashed and completely stopped working on me. Friends of mine have used and loved it, but it just wasn't for me. The Medela has amazing suction, and is worth the money spent. It's still going strong after 7 months of use, and I have yet to have any problems with it (knock on wood).
Dr Brown's 8oz Bottles
When my supply began to increase I had to switch from the 5oz to the 8oz bottles. I found out the Dr. Brown's bottles fit to the Medela pump, and are a few dollars cheaper than the Medela 8oz bottle packs. Score! I only use these bottles for the pump because Asher is picky when it comes to bottles, and he won't take one of these. Go figure. Little man has that expensive sense of taste already.
Stella Nursing Bra
A few weeks before having Asher, I went to Target in search of a good nursing bra. I like the style of a sports bra, and wanted something with enough support to wear for exercising after baby. I found the Stella Nursing bra, and haven't bought another. I purchased 2, one black and one nude. They're exceptionally comfortable, can be worn with any kind of blouse/dress, have great support for a seamless wireless bra, and priced at a steal.
Felicity Slimming Nursing Cami
I wear tanks under everything, and have done so since high school. I love that there's a nursing tank option for breastfeeding Moms, and the added "slimming" is a plus! Another favorite from Target at an affordable price.  
Lansinoh Storage Bags
These storage bags for your milk have great reviews, and they're also the only brand I've used thus far. To this day, I've stored over 1,500oz of milk in my freezer, and have only had ONE bag leak on me! I honestly think that one was due to "user error" on my end because I didn't have problems with any other bag in that box. It was probably one of those 3am pump sessions where I was half asleep when I sealed the bag. Ha. Although it wasn't funny losing 5oz of liquid gold... I definitely cried over spilled milk for the first time in my life! I have found these bags to be cheaper at Target as opposed to Babies R Us.
Hands-Free Pumping Bra
Definitely a must have for the working Mom that breastfeeds! In fact, I'm using mine right now while I'm blogging/working. This is pretty self explanatory, but I love how I'm able to keep working on a project in my office while I pump. While at work, I usually pump 3-4 times a day with each pumping session lasting at least 20 minutes. I love that I can still get my work done because that hour and twenty minutes daily adds up quick! I also used this while I was home as well while I washed dishes, folded the clothes, etc.
So, those are my favorite finds and must haves for the breastfeeding Mom. I've also joined a number of breastfeeding groups through social media, and they've helped greatly with any questions I've had and tips in general on the topic. They're a very supportive group of ladies to have along this journey for sure!
Always remember, you're doing a fantastic job! It's a tough one and so worth it. Enjoy every second of this time because it really does go by so quickly! Asher and I just made it to 8 months of exclusive breastfeeding. As crazy as it sounds, I miss those first few months of 30+ minute nursing sessions. He gets easily distracted now and usually lasts for 5-7 minutes total before he's done. My breastfeeding goal is a year, but would ultimately love to make it to 2 full years.

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