Tuesday, April 7, 2015

38 Week Appointment

Last Thursday I had my 38 Week visit with my OB. An ultrasound was scheduled prior to meeting with my Doctor due to my uterus not growing in the last 2 weeks. I was told it was nothing to worry about, but I was still a bit nervous to find out what the stopped growth meant. K and I decided to take Kaylee out of school early so that she could see her bubby on the ultrasound since she has yet to attend one of those appointments. 
We were beyond excited to see our little guy on the screen since we hadn't had an ultrasound since 18 Weeks! Kaylee loved every second of it. When the nurse pulled up his face, she waved and said "Hi Bubby". It was the sweetest thing! His mouth started moving when he heard that little voice of hers... almost as if he were talking back to her. She talked about that the entire ride home.
The nurse was able to tell us that Asher weighed in around 6lbs 7oz, and was 20 inches in length. He's a big boy. Thank goodness my due date is this weekend! He's healthy and has developed just as he should. My uterus has completely stopped growing which in return means I've run out of room, and he's steady pushing himself down. She then checked the fluid around him to make sure there's plenty so they wouldn't have to induce, and plenty there was. Technology has come so far, and simply amazes me! We were able to see that he has a head full of hair, chubby little cheeks like Kaylee, and my button nose. 
I requested to have a cervix exam because I've been experiencing tons of pelvic pains/pressure and 3-4 Braxton Hicks throughout the day. At this point in the pregnancy, I'm just in a lot of pain and quite frankly over being pregnant. My doctor performed the exam, and told me that I was 1cm dilated and he was positive I wouldn't be making my due date. My cervix is rapidly thinning due to my uterus no longer growing, and the baby steady pushing himself down. This was good news because I would much prefer him coming sooner rather than later.
Tomorrow is my 39 Week appointment, and I'm curious to find out if I've dilated any further. I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's visit, and if I receive any good news from the Doctor.
Asher could be here any day now... we're just playing the waiting game. Come on baby boy, Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy are not so patiently waiting to meet and hold you!

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